ISoLA 2016
10 - 14 of October, 2016
Doctoral Symposium
Doctoral Symposium with Poster Session and Postconference Proceedings
General Information
ISoLA 2016 will host a Doctoral Symposium as a scientific and networking event specifically for young researchers. Master and PhD students are invited to participate and present their research ideas and projects, discuss them with the scientific community, and establish collaborations in their field of research.
The Doctoral Symposium will be held as combination of poster sessions and short presentations. Posters will be on display all along the ISoLA symposium, and generous coffee breaks will offer plenty of time for elaborate discussions of the posters. Additionally there will be a Doctoral Symposium session in the conference program, where all participants get the opportunity to give a 5-10 min flash presentation of their work.
To participate in the Doctoral Symposium, you have to submit a research abstract via the ISoLA submission system. The abstract has to be structured and formatted according to this template and must not exceed four pages. Submissions are accepted until two weeks before the symposium.
Selected abstracts will be included in the main ISoLA proceedings, but note that this is only possible for submissions that meet the main symposium’s deadlines. All Doctoral Symposium participants will be invited to submit to the post-conference proceedings published in the ECEASST open access journal.
Anna-Lena Lamprecht (anna-lena.lamprecht[at], Doctoral Symposium Chair